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In a dictionary, we could find some information about land-sea breeze.
The influence range of sea breeze is from 20km to 50km and it depends on topography. After reading this script, we wondered whether the land width is a key factor in land-sea breeze or not.
"Sea winds are generally stronger than the land winds, with wind speeds usually between 5-6 m/s, but depending on the coastal terrain, blowing up to 7-8 m/s and weakening as it enters the inland. On the other hand, the land wind is only 2-3 meters/s. The sea breeze is relatively stronger, blowing from the coastline to a distance of 20-50 kilometers inland, with a range of 7-10 kilometers. The altitude varies from 200 to 700 meters, depending on the terrain along the coast, and can reach 1-2 kilometers in tropical areas."
- Doopedia, search word : "land and sea breeze"
A sea breeze or onshore breeze is any wind that blows from a large body of water toward or onto a landmass; it develops due to differences in air pressure created by the differing heat capacities of water and dry land.
As such, sea breezes are more localized than prevailing winds. Because land absorbs solar radiation far more quickly than water, a sea breeze is a common occurrence along coasts after sunrise.

Figure. Sea breeze and land breeze
from 2014 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc