By Using WRF.4.0.3 & NCL

Our objectives are solving three questions using WRF model on these conditions.
Land has dual coast on its both side
Set the land width greater than 40km and less than 100km
① Does the land-sea breeze circulation affected by the width of land?
② Does reducing the value of land width strengthen or weaken the land-sea breeze?
③ How much do the atmospheric factor of land-sea breezes change due to narrowing the land width?
Expected Results
If land width is narrower than original case, both sides of the land-sea breeze affect each other's circulation more strongly. We expect two opposite results in these experiments.
Expected Result 1)
Two land-sea breezes weaken because of the interaction with each circulation. (*Solar energy is constant) The sea breeze will be weakened because a narrower area of land will reduce the total amount of heat capacity. Also, collision of two sea breeze circulations offset each other because of the opposite direction of sea breeze.
Expected Result 2)
Two land-sea breezes strengthen because of the interaction with each circulation. Convergence of rising wind in sea breeze circulation will strengthen the upward flow. Well-developed upward current can strengthen overall land-sea breeze circulations.
We expect that result 1 will be more dominant in our experiment.